Annual Reports
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Annual Reports of AustriaTech

Find the barrier-free versions of our annual reports in the links below. 

Annual Report 2020:

Mission: Change D / EN 

The Corona crisis has changed a lot, but it has also made it possible to break new ground: We want to support people in making more conscious and thus more sustainable mobility decisions. For the climate, we also require a bundle of measures to create broad and, above all, sustainable change - which is supported by each and every individual. In 2020, for example, e-mobility has picked up speed, has been successfully adopted by the population as well as by industry and business. Another development that has been strongly in the focus of our activities since last year is cooperation with cities and beyond individual sectors. Mobility is moving to the center of this change.

Annual Report 2019:

Variety creates Impact D / EN 

Our core competency as a consulting agency and as an interface between government, business and research is to point out available options to make traffic, transport and individual mobility less polluting and become more efficient and safer. With our broad range of skills we are active in many different fields, as is reflected in our business over the last year. The year 2019 was no exception to the rule. It was marked by a multiplicity of solutions and manners of thinking, all directed toward a single goal: the mobility transformation. 


Annual Report 2018: 

Courage for the mobility of tomorrow D / EN 

Mobility is subject to constant change - and this change is happening faster and more extensively than it did a few years ago. For more than ten years AustriaTech has acted as a change agent by always looking ahead, recognising trends and changes at an early stage and actively addressing them. We want to give others the courage to try out new things together in order to be well prepared for the mobility of the future.