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towards the Future

Automated mobility is one of the most important current fields of mobility. How will this technology be embedded in our daily life? The path we take today will be part of our reality tomorrow. Reason enough for AustriaTech to devote itself intensively and actively to this area.

Everyone is talking about automation – a literal hype. But whatdoes it look like apart from the mostly very pointed pro and contra voices? AustriaTech stands for a de-emotionalized handling of this topic which it actively promotes. The links between automated mobility and other sectors are diverse. Therefore it is very important to integrate all stakeholders. It is helpful for including automation into the existing mobility system today and in the future. Together with other developments like “Sharing” or “Mobility as a Service” automated mobility assists in achieving climate targets. With our commitment we want to pass on knowledge and build trust in these new technologies.

“Transformation does not take place in the comfort zone. Therefore we want to build a framework to handle it savely”


Automated and safe

The path in the direction of an automated mobility system has to happen step by step. Safety always comes first. New systems should therefore be used where they have little or no conflict potential. Together with the BMK we developed a Code of Practice which determines the rules for testing and learning.

For several years we have been active in the field of automated mobility. Starting point was the development of the first action plan on automated driving of the BMK in 2016. Two years later, we presented the first automated shuttles at the Transport Research Arena (the biggest European transport research conference) in Vienna. In the same year, the BMKS's Automated Mobility Action Package 2019-2022 was published, containing numerous additional measures to further advance automated driving. Since then, many of these measueres have been implemented by AustriaTech. In spring 2019, everything revolved around discussions with and the involvement of citizens: Initiated by the agency Missions Publiques, AustriaTech organised a public forum in various cities in Austria where citizens spent a day discussing their expectations, wishes and fears regarding automated mobility.  


More than an automated car

We are already dealing with scenarios of mixed traffic, for example in the EU-project INFRAMIX. Automated mobility solutions are more than automated vehicles and should be applied in concrete use cases like first and last mile scenarios. Purposefully and meaningfully integrated into the existing mobility mix, cities in particular can benefit from this. Therefore, in the project SHOW, we are working with 69 partners from 13 EU countries on sustainable urban transport through the use of cooperative solutions. The practical usability of automated heavy-duty vehicles is also demonstrated in the project AWARD. In the project, different use cases of automated vehicles are being tested.

It is equally important to develop a common understanding throughout europe and to build up the framework for a successful integration. AustriaTech is committed to this as the Contact Point for Automated Mobility as well.

Do you plan a project or cause a stir of interest? Read the newest developments around automated mobility in our publications or contact us directly. 


Cover Automatisierte Mobilitaet

Monitoringbericht 2023
Automatisierte Mobilität in Österreich

Jahresbericht 2022 Cover

Transformation partnerschaftlich gestalten
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Monitoringbericht 2022 Cover

Monitoringbericht 2022
Automatisierte Mobilität in Österreich

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Kompetent auf neuen Wegen
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about automated mobility

Our projects

which contribute to automated mobility