Mobility data in cities and regions
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Efficient data provision in cities and regions

NAPCORE and POLIS sign co-operation agreement

May 29, 2024

At the Connecting Europe Days 2024, NAPCORE and POLIS signed a Cooperation Agreement, thus achieving a major milestone in the provision of mobility data in cities and regions and, subsequently, the improvement of mobility services. As NAPCORE Action Group Lead on the New EU Urban Mobility Framework, AustriaTech is driving this cooperation from a strategic perspective by bringing together central stakeholders and coordinating next steps.


The revision of the Delegated Regulations (EU) on the provision of EU-wide multimodal travel information services (2017/1926) and the provision of EU-wide real-time traffic information services (2022/670) foresees the expansion of the mandatory provision of multimodal travel information services and real-time traffic information services to the general road network and thereby also effects the urban and regional level. The issue of data provision in urban and regional settings, however, proves to be challenging, since the field is characterised by a great number of stakeholders with varying needs, highly diverse structures and modes of data and service provision.

In discussions at both EU and national levels, cities and regions often find themselves overlooked, despite being directly impacted by legislative obligations. This disparity underscores the pressing need for these entities to have a more influential role in shaping discussions and decisions that directly affect their specific  needs and concerns. Recognising the mutual interest in addressing the complexities of data provision in urban and regional settings, NAPCORE and POLIS have decided to join forces to foster the efficient provision of mobility data on the urban and regional level.


Objectives of the Cooperation Agreement

The cooperation between NAPCORE and POLIS aims not only to comprehend the structures, needs, and requirements of data and service providers at the urban level, but also to bridge the gap between the different levels of action, fostering a collaborative environment that facilitates efficient data provision in cities and regions.

More specifically, the cooperation foresees the following activities and actions:

  • Assess structures, requirements and needs of cities in order to define suitable support measures for efficient data provision (through workshops and questionnaires);
  • Increase the level of dialogue with new stakeholders (data and service providers) operating at urban level and create synergies in terms of data provision;
  • Develop a strategy on how to motivate urban stakeholders to provide mobility data on the National Access Points;
  • Jointly develop and disseminate information and training material for data and service providers operating on the urban level (working out FAQs or an informative fact sheet);
  • Organise joint training sessions on data exchange standards focusing on cities and regions.

Next steps and how to get involved

As part of the cooperation between NAPCORE and POLIS, it will be essential to gather insights from data providers operating on the urban and regional level about their experiences with providing data on the National Access Points (NAPs).

NAPCORE is particularly interested in specific requirements and needs as well as obstacles encountered and opportunities discovered. This will help understand the current situation of the provision of mobility data in urban and regional areas, identify potential gaps and serve as a basis for  future cooperation and action.

Data and service providers are invited to share their experiences and thoughts though the questionnaires and workshops held by NAPCORE and POLIS. In order to be up to date to the activities carried out, please contact Patricia Pumpler (

Let us enhance the provision of mobility data in cities and regions together and thereby contribute to better mobility services and a more efficient and sustainable mobility system!


Patricia Pumpler
Team Managing Mobility Data