AustriaTech conducts the platform as a neutral instance. This platform is the official national Access Point for road traffic data.
In accordance with the European ITS Directive, each Member State must establish a national Access Point. The European Directive was transposed in Austria in 2013 as part of the national ITS Act (IVS-G) as “Federal Act on the Introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems in Road Traffic and their Interfaces to Other Transport Vehicles”. AustriaTech was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology to set up and maintain this platform.
The National Access Point (NAP) is constructed as a data catalogue. It provides the possibility to fill in transport related data for public and private organisations and companies. Thereby information about existing ITS data or ITS services are supplied centrally. This means you can search for possible data owner and there is an overview of the ITS data conditions as well as the service conditions in Austria at the same time. Moreover, data providers obtain the opportunity to allocate complete datasets or examples of data besides the pure data description.
To enable a simple, automated and harmonised exchange of data between different stakeholders, Germany, the Netherlands and Austria workd on a “Coordinated Meta Data Catalogue”. This description contains possible data content and their definition.
AustriaTech is in exchange with potential data owner and is working on an expansion of the listed data. In the future data for multimodal road services should be included into the platform.
Overview of all national access points: