Improving the cross-border mobility of rail freight flows
The ACROSSEE project (Accessibility improved at border CROSsings for the integration of South East Europe) focuses on improving cross-border mobility in South East Europe. It is the first project to comply with the new EU TEN-T directives and aims to remove transnational barriers in South Eastern Europe. The rationalisation and optimisation of the existing network and the expansion of the EU transport network into the Western Balkans are important aspects of the project. The main objective is to reduce the time lost at border crossings and neuralgic points (with a special focus on rail freight traffic) (e.g. by optimising international border management) in order to achieve positive effects on regional and international trade. The intermodality and co-modality of transnational corridors should be improved and promoted. A common transport model for South Eastern Europe is being developed.
AustriaTech coordinates the establishment of a "Data Management Center" for Southeastern Europe.