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Evaluation of multimodal traveller information services in Europe

AustriaTech is working together with the VTT (Finnish Research Centre) and the University of Chalmers in the MAASiFiE (Mobility as a Service for linking Europe) project, supported by CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads), to develop a roadmap for the implementation of combined and integrated mobility services. With this, the new planning paradigm "Mobility as a Service" (MaaS) comes into play. The basic requirements for user-oriented, efficient and integrated mobility services are analysed and the framework conditions for an integrated mobility concept are developed. MaaS aims to simplify multimodal travel information as well as booking and ticket payment processes, offering travellers a common interface. In addition to the necessary integration of different main modes of transport, alternative mobility concepts (e.g. CarSharing, BikeSharing or RideSharing) are going to be integrated in MaaS.