Networking of services in the railway sector for improved usability and support of travellers
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a topic that has spread within a few years and with which the experts are intensively engaged. The approach behind the concept could fundamentally change all of our mobility behaviour. The Shift2MaaS project meets the challenges that the introduction of a MaaS system brings with it: competition and the different interests between public and private providers, the question of data availability or the scalability of services. In the project, technologies of Shift2Rail's Innovation Programme 4 (IP4) such as Travel Shopping, Trip Tracking and Payment are taken up and adapted to the specific challenges of MaaS. In the three European test regions Lisbon, Malaga and the Central Eastern Corridor, effects of MaaS are experienced. The project is carried out in cooperation with UITP, AETHON, CEFRIEL, OLTIS, University of Leeds, City of Lisbon, Via Verde, DELFI and KORDIS.
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