Further development of cross-border travel information services
Multimodal traveller information services need to cross borders – especially when travelling abroad: Therefore interoperable, multimodal traveller information services should not stop at national, regional or even the organisational borders of the respective service providers. But the reality often looks differently.
Starting in 2012 the European project EDITS - European Digital Traffic Infrastructure Network for Intelligent Transport Systems (implemented through the Central Europe Programme) tackled this problem by creating a system that allows for transnational and trans-organisational cooperation. 13 partners from five European neighbouring countries in Central Europe committed themselves to exchange transport-related data covering public transport as well as road transport with the aim of providing accurate and seamless services to travellers. Based on a harmonised system architecture and common specifications for the cross-border data exchange the EDITS service has been implemented and tested in specific demonstration areas. EDITS aimed at the provision of seamless cross-border traveller information services for CENTROPE. With this goal the EDITS project partners, mainly coming from public institutions and transport operators in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, and Slovakia worked together to deploy and operate cross-border multimodal travel information based on harmonized traffic data and information gathered on transnational level.