ITS Atoms is an experimental approach to (de-)construct new regional mobility solutions. It is an analogue context mapping game, which should help making new ideas and the underlying processes visible.
Integrated and intelligent mobility solutions - this is what the ITS sector wants to achieve - especially for cities and highways as the number one target market. In times of various challenges such as climate change or the ageing of the population, new mobility solutions are required. In urban areas, a lot is tried out, experimented on and implemented. Rural areas are often left out, although this is precisely where there is an increased need for action! That is why we need different types of approaches to deliver adequate and sustainable solutions, even on a small scale.
One starting point: to create clarity about planning processes and tool chains for setting up mobility services. ITS ATOMS is intended to identify mobility needs and mobility processes that could help meet them. The possibility of deconstructing processes can make both – problems as well as approaches – to solutions or existing use cases visible.
We invite you to face these challenges and highlight your specific idea, tool or solution, participate in this process and discover new approaches to regional mobility!
Greenville - an average village. Greenville is the home of different people with different mobility needs. In order to meet all these needs and overcome possible challenges, different transport systems, financing tools and technical tools are needed, which intermesh to create a (new) mobility process. The process of the mobility solution can be mapped in a comprehensible and structured way and can be extended as required by bringing together different challenges, tools, action cards, personas and mobility systems.
ITS Atoms is an opportunity to know new ideas and to map the processes of problem-solving. Examples of innovative mobility solutions in Austria are provided by the ITS Challenge winners, who were awarded the State Prize for Mobility for their projects and present them at the ITS World Congress in Singapore. You can read more about the ITS World Congress and the ITS Challenge here.
Here you will find scenarios for mobility solutions created by our partners and trade fair visitors within the framework of the ITS ATOMS approach.