May 29, 2019
On 21 May 2019, the event "Mobility Data and Linked Information Services" took place in Vienna. AustriaTech invited representatives of transport authorities, transport infrastructure operators and service providers to give an overview of the requirements of the European Delegate Act EU 2017/1926 (Prio a). It states that information on existing, electronically available traffic data must be made available at a national access point.
"It is important here to create awareness and to clarify what exactly has to be registered by whom", emphasises Martin Böhm, Head of the Business Unit at AustriaTech. Implementation will take place in stages and, depending on the type of data, will be mandatory until the end of 2019, 2020 or 2021. A nationwide registration must be completed by 2023.
Various priorities are set in the Delegated Act to the ITS Directive. In the so-called Prio a - in addition to Prio b, which only includes road-related data - public transport data as well as information about filling stations and charging points for electric vehicles are also addressed. One focus for the approximately 50 participants at the event was the discussion on how open data can be turned into open services and how services can be linked with each other. As an example of best practice, the INTERREG project Linking Danube presented its "Linking of Services" concept. AustriaTech acts as coordinator in this project and presented the most important learnings and initial implementation results.
"The exchange of data particularly is a challenge for cross-border travel information services. This is why Linking Danube relies on linking the data in a data query, but the data itself always remains with the data holder," explains Bettina Neuhäuser, project coordinator of Linking Danube at AustriaTech.
Six countries are involved in the project, in Austria the interface has been set up as a project partner at Verkehrsauskunft Österreich. The pilot implementation shows how the cross-border routes are composed, and which different "exchange points" and traffic modes can be selected.
All European Member States are currently working intensively on the implementation of the Delegate Act. Synergies are to be exploited and experiences exchanged, especially in the technical implementation. "Particularly in the region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, efforts are being made to promote a lively exchange and to coordinate closely. We as AustriaTech want to inform about the prerequisites and point out the possibilities", says Julia Düh, project manager of Prio Austria at AustriaTech. This should also ensure that cross-border experience can be incorporated into national projects. AustriaTech will continue to contribute its experience from EU projects and inform national stakeholders about current and planned activities.
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