Digital transformation does not stop in front of a sector. Thereof arises enomorous potential in the digitalisation of the mobility system, but also the need of thinking mobility differently. New players enter the market and thereby change demand and supply. We are convinced that digitalisation can optimise mobility solutions if we find new points of references and are open to innovative cooperations.
Through digitalisation visions in the field of traffic and mobility can become reality. The positive effects lie increasingly in safety, barrier-free access and in optimised exchange of information. The access to data is essential and therefore standards and consistent approaches have to be defined. AustriaTech as part of international committees and platforms like ITS Nationals tries to build up a common understanding.
Digitalisation enables the creation of an image of reality which is more predictable and therefore leads towards better prognosis and a more efficient use of the resources of our traffic system. It is our goal to keep in mind the necessary technological developments for HD Mapping, Artificial Intelligence, data processing (big data) or needed standards for data interface. We want to make sure that there will not emerge a “digital gap” between urban and rural areas.
AustriaTech is an advisory body of the public and responsible for the maintaining of the digital infrastrucutre in accordance with the ITS-law. We are the contact point and the conciliation board for intelligent transport systems. We administer the National Access Point for mobility data – a register on which lists and describes available road traffic data. In EU-projects like CROCODILE we were able to gain experience for the use of appropriate digital sensors. Furthermore, we are testing and validating with our Mobile Lab sensors and digital interfaces in Austria and Europe-wide since 2017, to enable a neutral valuation of components of a digital infrastructure.
Here we explain the role digitalisation plays in a transport system with integrated automated mobility.
Digital mobility is always part of connected mobility. Here you can find out which AustriaTech focuses on and which projects we are active in.